About us

From Passion to
Perfection – The Story
Behind Savory Kitchen!

Since 2017, we’ve been dedicated to helping chefs, restaurateurs, and businesses transform their visions into reality. From hands-on training to complete restaurant setups, our commitment to quality and innovation drives everything we do. Join us as we redefine the culinary world, one dish at a time.

Savory kitchen

One of the leading Arab institutions in the field of food, beverages and practical training in the field of kitchen. It was established in 2017 to practice training and different types of education, and adopts the principle of culinary techniques, by providing a set of distinguished training programs, with the contribution of elite chefs, trainers and experts in the fields of continuous operation and training. And those who possess the skill and scientific and practical knowledge and are in a state of continuous development keeping pace with the rapid developments of the culinary profession and science. After its success in achieving its local role, Savory Kitchen set out to perform its regional mission in the Arab countries to establish various restaurants as well as integrated training courses in its specializations with the aim of developing special institutional capabilities, developing the efficiency of human resources, raising the level of employee performance and achieving professionalism in the practice of the culinary profession.

Cultivating Culinary Excellence
through Trust and Expertise

Savory Kitchen Company realized the urgent need to contribute to capacity building to ensure a better future for chefs, so it was committed to professional integrity and focus on gaining confidence and relying on specialized experts who have deep and comprehensive knowledge in an elaborate way.

Connecting Culinary Excellence
Across Regions

Savory Kitchen has entered into exclusive strategic partnerships and collaboration agreements with influential culinary institutions and specialty restaurants in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Through these partnerships, the company provides educational programs, menus, recruitment, recipe development and modern training through which professionals and amateurs can learn professionally to raise the level of their culinary thinking.

8 Years Successfully Operating In The Market

Trusted by 45M+ users

training hours
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Our Achievements,
Their Impact

Achievements can be achieved, but our achievements are achieved through our partners. We could not have succeeded without them, and we know that they are the main reason for our presence in the market, and we are honored by our dealings with them

our savory vision

To be the first choice for those wishing to choose the leading companies for training and development and the main Arab center for training and education in the field of cooking.

our savory message

Achieving the aspirations of chefs and those wishing to form and develop themselves, their institutions and their community.

our savory goals

To be the first choice for those wishing to choose the leading companies for training and development and the main Arab center for training and education in the field of cooking.

our savory PRINCIPLES

Restaurant Concept

Teamwork and full confidence in the administrative and technical staff of the institution.


Respecting the nature and confidentiality of information related to the work assigned to the company.


Commitment to professional behavior and ethics, and the connection of quality to all work entrusted to us.

our savory STRATEGY

Most of the existing programs, in general, are of a partial nature because they deal with the parts of the problem, and we need a comprehensive and holistic view, and not relying on one path or approach from the entrances that we consider important.